BWV 42/6
Aria (B) Jesus ist ein Schild der Seinen - 1725 - Quasimodogeniti
The bass aria from Cantata 42 Am Abend aber desselbigen Sabbats, for the first Sunday after Easter, Quasimodo geniti (‘like newborn infants’), is characterised by its lively jumping motifs which contrast with the calm theme sung by the bass soloist. Bach evokes here the juxtaposition of the Unruhe der Welt (‘the restless world’) and Friede bei Jesus (‘the peace of Jesus’). The work exhibits remarkable similarities with the first movement of the sixth trio sonata for organ (BWV 530).
III/P (C - c3)
Euwe & Sybolt de Jong Vater-organ - Petrikirche Melle, Germany OW: P 8, O 4, G 4 RP: Gd 8, O 2 BP: Hg 8, Gd 4, Q 1½ |
photo: Sietze de Vries | recorded October 2011 - WestraMedia |
player 1: medium - hard | player 2: medium - hard |
Bach Cantatas volume V > order cd
Euwe & Sybolt de Jong
Vater-organ - Petrikirche
Melle, Germany
€ 5,= | The arrangement (PDF) and invoice will be sent by mail. |